Our Mission
AddCarts Group Only For Those People Who Lives In India, Because It Develops Only For India.
We are a group of many websites; you can see it on services page. We create this platform for people to do everything online, just like donate to shopping. We are Indian so we think special for our concept. Our concept is income with development of India. Means, we give 10% of our income* to Indian government for developing country. Also, we give a chance to worldwide people do charity with us just click on donate us & make a payment. We will give money which is collect from donate for India + 10% of our income*,
If you donate us just send your photo & detail with transaction no. or slip. We will save it when we collect all donate money than we search a list of people who are donate us with maximum amount. We publish this list with their photo & detail on our website “people who is donate us” section for one year.